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… has no limits …

… has no limits …

… sharing vehicles really gives us the possibility to change mode and time just as needed

… and that we still can have fun by using performance vehicles in sports or our free time.

… and even the variable combination between individual and joined cabins in the mass-transport-systems work perfectly – and global links with all communication systems, gives us the freedom to work and enjoy time everywhere – being creative or for relaxation…

Mobility is free for everybody.

All means of transport are free to use for work, travel, leisure or a retreat area.

Individual units and public systems provide mobility for everybody.

No private owned vehicles – all different systems are free to share in rotation - depending on availability.

Modular shared systems for long-distance-travelling based on magistral links.

Contact-free aerodynamic and energy-generating systems build large clusters to travel efficiently and can split up to individual mode and use.

Everybody has access to different modes of transport at variable times.

From relaxed traveling to high speed vehicles for joy of use or sports.

Universal in all modes - on land, under water, in air and space.

Fast connections or relaxed educational journeys in individual or dynamic linked systems.

Vehicles as well as products will be developed emission free and in cradle to cradle systems.

No downgrading or waste of resources. There will be no waste economy anymore.

All habitats and means of transport are linked to global communication.

Modules can be used as communication hubs for research, cultural events or creation… or for isolated regeneration.

Unlimited interstellar travelling

Neighbouring planets are at reach with sailing-ships.

Sustainable agricultural systems

Agricultural vehicles enable efficient and healthy harvesting of food and optimize the fertility of ground, earth and water. Hovering labor-robots control and cultivate agricultural areas.

Want to join – get in touch: